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    Service for PA, private institutions and companies.



    Bike, segway and Information Points Furniture.



    For you excursion discover Puglia



    Tips full of culture for discover Puglia

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    Trekking, Walking, Cycling, Food and winde and more...



    Every Sunday, Segway experince in Polignano a Mare.

Puglia is a land full of culutre, folklore and history. Its landscape are often uncontaminated.

Puglia Open Tour does not want to exploit these resources, but it wants to preserve them by offering some services that are respectful.

Live your experience in Puglia in complete relation integration fully with this wonderful land, the crystalline sea that surrounds it and the warm people who populate it.

Privacy policy & Cookies

Privacy policy

Data subjects: Navigators

Pursuant to the (EU) Regulation 2016/679 (hereunder defined as "Regulation"), this page describes the methods for treatment of the personal data of users who consult the websites accessible at the following addresses:

The information hereby featured does not concern other websites, pages or online services accessible via hypertext links and published on these websites but referring to resources external to the Owner’s dominion.

We hereby specify that the Privacy policy may sometimes be modified in function of the activation of new services or due to legal updates. It is therefore recommended that you periodically check for updates concerning this topic by consulting the website. This page describes the methods for management of the website with regards to the treatment of the personal data pertaining to users who consult it. This policy is also disclosed in observance of art.13 of the (EU) Regulation concerning the protection of physical persons with regards to the treatment of personal data pertaining to subjects who interact with the web services offered by Puglia Open Tour, accessible at the following address: pugliaopentour.com. Further data processing methods are defined in the disclosure note and corresponding to the starting page of the official site pugliaopentour.com.

This policy involves only the website of pugliaopentour.com and not other websites the user may consult by clicking on links. The policy is also based on Recommendation n. 2/2001 implemented on May 17th 2001 by European authorities for the protection of personal data, reunited in the Group instituted by art. 29 of Directive n. 95/46/EC, for the purpose of identifying a series of minimum requirements for the online collection of personal data and, in particular, the methods, time frames and nature of information the owners of the treatment must provide users who connect to websites, regardless of the purposes of the connection, as well as on further updates following the implementation of the GDPR and the delegation decree connected to the GDPR.


Owner of the treatment

The consultation of this website may lead to the treatment of data regarding identified or identifiable persons.

The “owner” of this treatment is Puglia Open Tour, with legal headquarters in Via Roma 13 - Polignano a Mare (BA) VAT code/Fiscal code: 04452910724

Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be reached at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Juridical foundation of the treatment

The personal data indicated in this page are treated by Puglia Open Tour, for the purpose of performing its activities. The juridical foundations for treatment on the website are consent, execution of a contract and pursuit of a legal obligation.

Place of the personal data treatment

The treatment connected to the web services offered by this site will be performed in the European Union, will be managed by the service provider Semplify Srl and will be processed by the technical staff of Network Service Srl (Data Protection Officer), and by other persons appointed by Network Service Srl in occasion of update and maintenance operations. No data deriving from this web service will be disseminated. Personal data supplied by users for contact requests will be used for the sole purpose of providing the requested service, and this may include treatment via external providers.


Type of processed data and objectives of the treatment

Navigation data

During normal operations, the IT systems and software procedures used to ensure the functionality of this website acquire a series of personal data. Its transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

This data category includes the IP addresses or dominion names of computers and terminals used by the visitors, the URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) addresses of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to forward the request to the server, the dimensions of the file received in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response provided by the server (successful, error, etc.) and further parameters concerning the operating system and the user’s IT environment.

This data, necessary for fruition of web services, is also processed for the following purposes:

• To obtain statistic information on the use of services (most viewed pages, number of visitors per time frame or daily, visitors’ geographic areas, etc.);

• To check the correct functionality of the services on offer.

Data communicated by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of messages to the contact address of Puglia Open Tour, as well as the compilation and forwarding of modules on the website pugliaopentour.com, involve the acquisition of the sender’s contact data, necessary for sending a response, and of all the personal data included in these communications.

Specific information notes will be published on the website pugliaopentour.com for the supply of certain services.

Cookies and further tracking systems

No cookies are used for user profiling.

On the other hand, session cookies (non-persistent) are used only to ensure safe and efficient navigation of websites. The memorization of session cookies in terminals or browsers can be controlled by the user, in the case that, at the end of HTTP sessions, information concerning cookies are recorded on the service logs, with retention periods depending on each single third party manager of the service in question. Data acquired via cookies and its management methods are described in full in our “cookie policy”.

Navigation data

This data is used only to obtain anonymous statistic information concerning use of the website and to check its correct functionality. This data is deleted immediately after elaboration. Information collected automatically can be used by Puglia Open Tour to ascertain responsibilities in the event of hypothetical IT crimes against the website, to improve navigation and contents of the website. Data acquired via cookies is described in full in our “cookie policy”.

Data supplied voluntarily by the user


The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of data inserted in the data collection modules (forms), or in e-mails to the electronic mail addresses supplied on this website entails the acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as of eventual further personal data contained in the messages sent. We specify that personal and/or corporate data inserted in the forms on the website pugliaopentour.com is protected by Puglia Open Tour and used only to answer user queries and to provide requested information and services.


Optional nature of the conferral of data


With the exception of the information listed above concerning data treatment, the user is free to provide Puglia Open Tour with personal data via the info request modules. In any case, whenever such data is requested, a specific disclosure note will be supplied and, if necessary, the user’s consent will asked to indicate his/her consent.


Treatment methods

Personal data are treated via automatic tools only for the time strictly necessary to perform the operations for which they are collected. Specific safety measures are observed to prevent losses of data, unlawful or incorrect uses and unauthorized access. We wish to inform you that, for the purpose of offering a complete service, links to other websites managed by different owners are present on our pages. We decline any responsibility concerning errors, contents, cookies, morally illicit materials, advertising, banners or files that fail to comply with current legislation and Privacy laws on websites we refer to but that are not managed by us.

Data recipients

The recipients of the data collected due to consultation of the site listed above are subjects designated by Puglia Open Tour as subjects responsible for the treatment, pursuant to article 28 of the Regulation.

Network Service srl as supplier of the development and maintenance services of the web platform;

Semplify srl as supplier of the development, supply and operational management regarding the technological platforms used.

The personal data collected is furthermore treated by staff of Puglia Open Tour on the basis of specific instructions related to purposes and methods of the treatment in question.

Transfer to foreign countries

Third party countries: The data is not transmitted in third party countries.

Rights of data subjects

You have every right to obtain the cancellation (right to be forgotten), limitation, updating, correction, portability or the data and to oppose the processing of your data. Furthermore, in general, you can exercise all rights set by articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 of the GDPR, when applicable to the processing of personal data.


EU Reg. 2016/679: Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 – Rights of the data subject


• The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, even if not yet processed, and the communication of such data in intelligible form.


• The data subject shall have the right to obtain indications concerning:

a. the origins of the personal data;

b. the purposes and methods of the processing;

c. the logic applied in the case of processing via the use of electronic tools;

d. the ID details of the owner, of the subjects in charge of the treatment and of the designated subject responsible for the treatment pursuant to article 5, comma 2;

e. the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, or who may process the data as designated representatives in the territory of their State, or as subjects appointed to process the data.


* The data subject shall have the right to obtain:

a. the updating, rectification or, when required, the integration of his/her data;

b. the cancellation, transformation to anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, included data for which retention is not necessary in relation to purposes for which the data was collected or later processed;

c. the certification that operations described in the above items a) and b) were disclosed – including their contents – to subjects who received the data, with the exception of cases in which this is impossible or requires a use of means clearly disproportionate to the right being protected;

d. the portability of his/her data.


* The data subject shall have the right to oppose, entirely or in part:

a. for legitimate reasons, the processing of his/her personal data, even if pertinent to the purpose for its collection;

b. the processing of his/her personal data for purposes connected to the sending of advertising materials, to direct sales or for market researches or commercial communications.

Right to lodge complaints

Data subjects who deem that the treatment of their personal data via this website takes place in violation of provisions set by the Regulation have the right to present claims to the Guarantor, pursuant to 77 of the Regulation, or to bring their actions before the competent courts (art. 79 of the Regulation).

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Let’s start with what cookies are


A cookie is a small text file (just a few bytes) that is exchanged between an internet site and your browser, and is normally used by the website operator to memorize the info needed to improve navigation within the website.

Puglia Open Tour, in its quality of Owner of the treatment of your personal data, manages cookies in compliance with the 2002/58/EC Directive issued by the European Parliament and the 12th July 2002 Council concerning the treatment of personal data and the protection of privacy in the sector of electronic communications (privacy and electronic communications directive), for the following treatment purposes:


The following types of cookies are present to allow navigation on the internet site:


• Technical cookies: technical and Functional access to the Website (no data is held after the Browser is shut down);

• Session cookies: for purposes relating to evolved navigation or customized content management;

• Analytic cookies: for purposes relating to navigation and users Statistics and Analytics


Treatment of functional data for the above purposes is necessary for a correct navigation of the website, and the conferral of the data is necessary and mandatory for the purposes indicated above. Failure to acquire this data may make it impossible to navigate the website.

• Third party advertising cookies (no profiling)


These cookies can exchange information and trace the navigation of the user registered for one of the present services. The procedure for de-activating these cookies is indicated below, plus they can be de-activated via each single link.

Treatment methods: your personal data may be processed by electronic calculators, via the use of software systems both managed by Third parties and programmed directly by the owner. The treatment for statistic and analytic purposes takes place in temporary and Anonymous Form; the eventual treatment of data with third party cookies takes place as described in the privacy policy and cookie policy detailed below.


Your data will be treated only by staff explicitly authorized by the Owner and/or designated subject and, in particular, by the following categories of appointed subjects:


• Designated web technicians;

• Recipients in provider firms appointed to manage technical services;


Diffusion: Your personal data will not be disseminated in any way.


Cookie management and deactivation:


Should you have any doubts or concerns regarding the use of cookies, you can intervene in any moment to block their settings and processing, for example by changing the privacy settings of your Browser to block specific types of cookies.

Given that each browser – and often different versions of the same browser – is (sometimes significantly) different form others, if you prefer to operate independently via your browser preferences you can find detailed info on the necessary procedure in your browser guide. For an overview of operations on common browsers, you can visit the website www.cookiepedia.co.uk.

If you wish, advertising companies allow you to renounce the reception of targeted messages. This does not impede the cookies settings, but interrupts the use and collection of certain data by these companies. You can also de-activate each single cookie via the links listed in the “cookies table”.


For further info and the possibility to renounce the use of cookies, please visit www.youronlinechoices.eu


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